We introduce you to the places of Murlo
After a long time Nice Places introduces new places and new descriptions. This time, thanks to the collaboration with the Pro Loco of Murlo (which we thank for the availability), it was possible to include in our application 18 places in the territory of Murlo, a small town in the province of Siena, of which we are pleased to tell their history and their characteristics.
The new places, which are gathered in the list The places of Murlo, are:
- mpriano
- Chapel of Santa Maria in Piantasala
- Casanova
- Casciano di Murlo
- Crevole
- Fontazzi
- La Befa
- Lupompesi
- Mines di Murlo
- Montepescini
- Murlo
- Piazza delle Carceri in Murlo
- Pieve di San Giusto in Casciano di Murlo
- Poggio Brucoli
- Poggio Lodoli
- Santo Stefano
- Vallerano
- Vescovado di Murlo
Moreover two new description are added:
Photo: Pro Loco Murlo

Appassionato fin da piccolo di computer e tecnologia, sono programmatore per lavoro e per passione. Ho una laurea magistrale in Informatica conseguita all’Università di Bologna. Co-ideatore e sviluppatore di Nice Places.