Futa Pass (Florence)
The Futa Pass is located at 903 meters above sea level and is one of the roads that connect Florence and Bologna. It is part of all those roads that have become no longer indispensable since the Autostrada del Sole freeway was built, but it still is for those who want to cross the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and enjoy the beautiful landscapes it offers. It is well traveled by car, motorcycle or on foot: the “Via degli Dei” passes through here.
It seems that this road is located on the ancient passage that allowed pilgrims to go to Rome for the jubilee wanted by Boniface VIII. It is therefore a medieval road, but already known in Roman times under the name of “via Flaminia Minor”.
The Futa Pass had a role of primary importance during the Second World War because it was part of the Gothic Line and, as evidence of this, along this road there is the Germanic military cemetery of Futa.
Geographically it is located close to Monte di Fo’ and separates the Mugello valley from the Santerno valley.
Photo: Christianlorenz97 – Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0, bit.ly/3sw61XY

Appassionato fin da piccolo di computer e tecnologia, sono programmatore per lavoro e per passione. Ho una laurea magistrale in Informatica conseguita all’Università di Bologna. Co-ideatore e sviluppatore di Nice Places.