Nice place 1 – Piazza del Campo (Siena)
Piazza del Campo is the main square of the city, where the famous Palio of Siena takes place. The square, in fact, unlike the rest of the historical center of Siena, does not belong to any district (contrada). Its particular shape, with a diameter of 333 meters, recalls a shell inclined towards the south and harmoniously follows the lines of the ground. Even the buildings in the square have been built in such a way as to enhance their symbolic value. Its internal part is divided into nine sections to remember the Government of the Nine and all the visual lines converge to the Palazzo Pubblico, seat of the Municipality of Siena, next to which stands the Torre del Mangia that dominates the skyline of Siena.
Photo: Nice Places, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Appassionato fin da piccolo di computer e tecnologia, sono programmatore per lavoro e per passione. Ho una laurea magistrale in Informatica conseguita all’Università di Bologna. Co-ideatore e sviluppatore di Nice Places.