#2018bestnine of Nice Places

To conclude the year we want to show you which were the most interesting places according to you who follow us on Instagram. Here is the ranking:

  1. Baptistery of Saint John (Florence)
  2. Basilica of San Miniato al Monte (Florence)
  3. Castle of Sammezzano (Florence)
  4. Colosseeum (Rome)
  5. Basilica of Santa Croce (Florence)
  6. Porcellino’s Fountain (Florence)
  7. Basilica of San Lorenzo (Florence)
  8. Siena Cathedral (Siena)
  9. House of Galileo Galilei (Florence)

We can notice the dominance of Florence, which we are dealing with in a particular way in this period.

It is no coincidence that all the posts, except the one for the Siena Cathedral, have been published in recent months.

That post, that of the Siena Cathedral, dates back to February 3rd. We had not even released the application yet. We can then say that it can be considered the most appreciated one of this 2018.


  • Appassionato fin da piccolo di computer e tecnologia, sono programmatore per lavoro e per passione. Ho una laurea magistrale in Informatica conseguita all'UniversitĂ  di Bologna. Co-ideatore e sviluppatore di Nice Places.

Lorenzo Vainigli

Appassionato fin da piccolo di computer e tecnologia, sono programmatore per lavoro e per passione. Ho una laurea magistrale in Informatica conseguita all'UniversitĂ  di Bologna. Co-ideatore e sviluppatore di Nice Places.