Nice Places
Basilica of Saint Petronio
The Basilica of San Petronio is one of the largest churches in Europe, and it's the main one in Bologna. It is located in Piazza Maggiore, in the heart of the city centre. It is the largest brick Gothic church in the world but, despite its grandeur, it is not the episcopal church of Bologna and therefore has the title of "minor basilica". The original design of this church was so ambitious that, if it had been respected, this basilica would have become larger than that of St. Peter in Rome and to avoid this, the pope had one of the neighboring buildings completed covering the necessary space. The unfinished facade is the real peculiarity of this church: this fact is due to the discrepancies that emerged between the architects, the events of the city and the lack of funding. The lower part was designed by Domenico da Varignana and decorated with white stone from Istria and red marble from Verona in the Tuscan-Florentine style.

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