Lucca Cathedral

Allan Parsons @ Pixabay, CC BY 2.0, bit.ly/2Uv7tuS

The Cathedral of Lucca was founded in the sixth century by San Frediano but the current structure dates back to 1060.
The construction of the cathedral was very troubled due to the impoverishment of the city’s finances in those centuries, however, the facade made by Guidetto da Como has many decorations and details: the three-arched portico in front of the entrance is the real characteristic of this place.
The style is the Romanesque style of Lucca with strong Pisan Romanesque influences.
The interior of the building is striking for the presence of some Gothic features in an overall Romanesque structure: the triple lancet windows close to the vaults and the marked difference in height between the central nave and the side ones gives the church a vertical lift.
Among the works that can be admired here there are the funeral monument to Ilaria del Carretto by Jacopo della Quercia and the Holy Face which, according to tradition, was made by Nicodemus disciple of Jesus.
The bell tower has polyphora and Ghibelline merlons and on the pillar near its base the engraving of a labyrinth recalls the legend of Theseus and Ariadne and the order of the Templars.

Photo: Allan Parsons @ Pixabay, CC BY 2.0, bit.ly/2Uv7tuS


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