Santa Fiora (Grosseto)

«A Santa Fiora chi ci va ci s’innamora» («Whoever goes to Santa Fiora falls in love with it»), so says a local popular expression. The truth is that it is difficult to think otherwise. This village on the slopes of Mount Amiata is a richness of history and nature.
Santa Fiora has origins dating back to the year 1000, it was a historical residence of the Aldobrandeschi family and in the 13th century it represented one of the most important centers of southern Tuscany. In the 15th century, thanks to a marriage, it passed under the control of the Sforza family and later to the Cesarini family. To the Sforza is attributed the realization of the bath (called “Peschiera”) and the park, both present in the terziere Montecatino, together with other numerous works.
The position of the village allows to enjoy a beautiful view of the surrounding area, but it is with the water that Santa Fiora has a close link: just under the church near the Peschiera there is the source of the river Fiora. The water of the bath is in fact very clear.
The history of Santa Fiora also included the mining. The town became, in the XIX and XX centuries, a reference point for the extraction of cinnabar, as witnessed in the museum of mercury mines of Mount Amiata.

Photo: Nice Places


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