Stefano Bardini Museum (Florence)

The Bardini Museum, located in the Oltrarno district in Florence, is one of those so-called “minor museums” of the Tuscan capital. It constitutes the testamentary legacy that the antiquarian Stefano Bardini gave to the Municipality of Florence.
Bardini himself built the palace that houses the museum in 1880, purchasing a complex of buildings from various periods, including the deconsecrated church of San Gregorio della Pace, built between 1273 and 1279. However, the original complex was much larger than the present one, including, for example, Palazzo Mozzi and the vast area that today houses the Bardini Gardens.
The museum was closed for restoration for almost a decade, from 1999 to April 4, 2009 and now houses an eclectic collection of more than 3,600 works, including paintings, sculptures, armor, musical instruments, ceramics, coins, medals and antique furniture. Among the most important works, the Charity of Tino di Camaino and the Madonna dei Cordai by Donatello.

Photo: Sailko – Opera propria, CC BY 2.5,


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