The Smallest Window in the World (Siena)

In the historical centre of Siena, inside the square called “della Postierla” (or more commonly called “I Quattro Cantoni” by the inhabitants), a few steps from the Duomo, the Pinacoteca Nazionale and Piazza del Campo there is a small evidence. Surrounded by various historical buildings and residences, on the far left of the first floor of Palazzo Chigi you can admire what, according to the Municipality of the city of the Palio, is the smallest window in the world, accompanied by the equally small blind.
This title, however, still lacks a real official recognition and it is not clear whether there are actually smaller windows than this one. In any case, curiosity about the origin and history behind this tiny “inlet” remains intact.

Photo: K93 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


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