Best of 2019

As we reach the last day of the year, it’s time for us to retrace the stages that marked the 2019 of Nice Places.

The year that is coming to an close has been full of changes: the project has continued to grow thanks to the expansion of our database with new places and new descriptions, the collaborations with the association Pro Loco Sovicille and the project Via Sacra Etrusca and the participation in the first and second edition of Sovicille delle Meraviglie 2019..

Two great improvements have been introduced on Nice Places: the version 3.0 of the Android application with new features added and the webapp, so that users can also read our descriptions from the browser.

Now we want to propose twelve places again, one for each month of the year: these are the places that have aroused the most interest from our users.

Here they are, from the most read to follow:

Separate mention for today’s “place of the day” and European Capital of Culture 2019: Matera.

This concludes our recap of 2019 and we hope that 2020 will bring you ad will bring us some nice surprises.

Happy new year from Nice Places!


  • Nice Places ti porta alla scoperta dei luoghi di interesse presenti nelle tue vicinanze, raccontandoti brevemente la loro storia e le loro caratteristiche. Scarica adesso l'app per Android dal Play Store!

Nice Places

Nice Places ti porta alla scoperta dei luoghi di interesse presenti nelle tue vicinanze, raccontandoti brevemente la loro storia e le loro caratteristiche. Scarica adesso l'app per Android dal Play Store!