Archeodrome of Poggibonsi (Siena)
The archeodrome of Poggibonsi is a project born in 2014 on the initiative of local institutions, in collaboration with the University of Siena and other associations and entities in the sector. The idea aims to reconstruct in full scale an ancient village from the Frankish era located in antiquity on the hill of Poggio Imperiale, as evidenced by various evidences found in the area.
Today, the longhouse (large dwelling of the manor family), a peasant hut with threshing floor and chicken coop, the blacksmith’s forge, a bread oven, two haystacks and a vegetable garden have been built; in addition to these, there are some temporary canopies for artisan activities, destined in the near future to be replaced by other structures. The project aims at the reconstruction of 17 buildings of the time.
The peculiarity of the initiative is that, in addition to being able to admire these buildings as close as possible to the originals, an attempt was also made to replicate life inside the village. Today, in fact, you can admire the people who carry out various activities within it, such as blacksmith, carpenter, up to that of count, allowing visitors to live a real medieval experience.
Photo: LigaDue – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
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