Nice place 115 – Castle of Celsa (Siena)

Vanni Lazzari - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, bit.ly/2UvGJr0

The Castle of Celsa, also called Villa Celsa, is located in the municipality of Sovicille, just 13 km from the city of Siena.
Built to defend the Sienese city during the long battle against Florence, with the establishment of the Florentine government became, in the sixteenth century, a private home on the initiative of the owner Mino Celsi. The most important renovation work was entrusted to the architect Baldassarre Peruzzi, who also built the chapel.
After a serious damage suffered by the Spanish in the mid-16th century, further restoration work became necessary, during which most of the evocative gardens that still adorn the residence were created. With the transfer of ownership to the Chigi around the year 1800 was imprinted on the fort an accentuated neo-Gothic style.
The garden of the castle takes up the typical canons of the Italian garden: particular are the flowerbeds that reproduce the coat of arms of the Aldobrandini.
The entire property can still be visited both externally and internally.

Photo: Pubblico dominio, bit.ly/2Hq0fSp


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