Nice place 114 – Church of St. Biagio (Siena)
The church, or temple, of Saint Biagio is located in the middle of a clearing between the Val d’Orcia and the Val di Chiana, in the municipality of Montepulciano.
The work, realized starting from 1518 by Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, who realized the building starting from an already existing church now reduced to rubble. The construction of the church is by many traced back to a “miraculous” event: on April 23, 1518, two maids, Antilia and Camilla, and a farmer named Toto, passing in front of the fresco depicting the Madonna with Child and St. Francis, one of the few remaining of the previous church and saw that the eyes of the Virgin moved as if she were alive. Toto, of which there remains a statue in the sacristy, will be all his life engaged in begging to build the church.
Built in the Renaissance style, the structure has a well and a rectory adjacent to it.
Photo: Josep Renalias – Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
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