Nice place 109 – Basilica dei Servi (Siena)
The basilica of Santa Maria dei Servi stands on the hill overlooking the district of Valdimontone, in the center of Siena, where once stood the ancient church of San Clemente. The structure was renovated by the Servants (members of the Order of the Servants of Mary) from the end of the thirteenth century.
It has been the subject of numerous works of modification and restructuring over the centuries; it was enlarged from 1416, when the staircase was removed in favor of the “piaggia” that still leads to the main entrance; the church was then radically transformed, according to a Renaissance layout, with three naves, between 1471 and 1527. Its consecration took place in 1533, although, which is still common in Tuscan churches, the facade was never fully completed.
The interior of the building, however, is very impressive and rich in frescoes still visible, some made directly by Ambrogio Lorenzetti.
Today the church bears the extended name of Basilica di San Clemente in Santa Maria dei Servi.
Photo: I, Sailko, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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