Nice place 93 – Giotto’s Bell Tower (Florence)
Giotto’s Bell Tower, 84.70 meters high and 15 meters wide, is one of the monuments that form the Duomo of Florence. A splendid example of fourteenth-century Florentine Gothic architecture, it is covered in white, red and green marble, just like the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.
The construction of the work was begun by Giotto in 1334 and after his death the work was carried out by Andrea Pisano and completed in 1359 by Francesco Talenti.
The sculptural decoration of the bell tower is very rich and is one of the most complex figurative cycles of the Middle Ages. Florentine masters of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, including Andrea Pisano, Donatello and Luca Della Robbia, worked on its realization.
The bell tower can be visited in its entirety and, thanks to the beautiful terrace located almost on top of the monument, offers a splendid view of the entire historic center of Florence.
Photo: Gianni Careddu – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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