Nice place 87 – Fort of Belvedere (Florence)

The need to defend the city of Florence from the attacks coming from the hills beyond the river Arno had always interested the rulers of the Tuscan city. With the advent of the Medici family this need was felt even more. So, at the end of 1500, the Grand Duke Ferdinando commissioned the construction of the fort of Belvedere or fort of San Giorgio, located on the hill of Boboli. The work was commissioned to Bernardo Buontalenti and Don Giovanni de’ Medici, brother-in-law of the Grand Duke himself. Since then, for centuries, the Forte del Belvedere has fulfilled its military function, without being attacked either externally or internally.
Lost its strategic defensive function, it remained in the military domain until 1954 when the property was transferred to the civil domain. Today the building is mainly intended to host events and high level exhibitions.

Source: fortedibelvedere.it
Photo: yitalia.musefirenze.it


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